Vagnerhaus Ein #1
A beautiful town home in Leavenworth. Within walking distance to downtown. Really, truly, fully furnished. Nicely furnished front unit. Nice southerly view. Covered parking. Building Hot Tub and Patio.
- Internet
- Name: Vagnerhaus Ein #1
- Status: Inactive
- Rating:
- Type: Townhome
- Country: United States
- State: Washington State
- Destination: Leavenworth
- Location: Bavarian Village
- Condominiums: Vagnerhaus Inn
- Building: Vagnerhaus Inn
- Setting: Mountain Area
- View: Partial Mountain View
- Internet: Yes
- Sq. Ft: 900
- Floors: 2
- Entrance Floor: 1
- Bedrooms: 2
- Beds: QQ
- Bunks: No
- Baths: 1½
- Normal Occupancy: 4
- Sleeps: 4
- Max Occupancy: 4
- Parking: 1
- Pets: None
- Checkin: 05:00 pm or later
- Checkout: 11:00 am or earlier
- Website:
- Manager: Leavenworth VIP
BED CODES: K=King, Q=Queen, F=Full, T=Twin, C=Futon Couch, M=Mattress, A=Air Mattress, L=Sleeper, S=Sofa, U=Trundle Bed, D=Day Bed